Four artworks hang on a wall. Artworks inspired by the historical romance of Hurrem Sultan.

Hürrem Sultan

For the romantics who know that true love is the best thing in the world.

Especially when it comes with lavish costumes, rich colours, spice, and drama!

Match with: sweeping love stories—Guy Gavriel Kay’s Tigana, Katherine Kerr’s Deverry Cycle. And, of course, Muhteşem Yüzyıl (Magnificent Century) and all those other historically inaccurate soap-operas masquerading as dramas.😁

Hürrem Sultan

About this collection

Belly dancer, Elena Spektor, models for an art collection inspired by the historical romance of Hurrem Sultan. She dances in a rose garden, her long red dress swirling around her.

What’s your dance story?

Elena Spektor was my belly dance teacher. I asked her, “what’s your dance story?” She told me a tale that inspired her love of dance—a sweeping romance straight out of history, starring a heroine who shares Elena’s Ukrainian heritage.

Hürrem Sultan & Süleyman

One of the greatest love stories you’ve probably never heard of.

Here’s the short, short version. It’s the 16th century. A slave girl from Ruthenia (now western Ukraine) is sent to Turkey, to the harem of Süleyman the Magnificent, ruler of the Ottoman Empire. She captures his heart. He names her Hürrem (‘the cheerful one’), writes her love poems, and breaks centuries of tradition for her. Today, they lie in adjacent mausoleums, side by side for eternity.

Watch time: 6 minutes.


A huge thanks to Elena and her husband, Yevgen, for the enthusiasm, support, and inspiration.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of these artworks go to Elena so she can continue to spread her love of dance.